Why Retention Rates for Android Apps are Higher in Less Developed Regions

Why Retention Rates for Android Apps are Higher in Less Developed Regions

For the same product, retention rates in the U.S. and other Tier 1 regions may around 30%, but in regions like Africa, they can reach 40-50%.

This trend is seen across multiple products, not just one. However, it’s not always consistent. For example, retention rates in countries like India, Pakistan, or Indonesia may not be as high, likely due to local internet infrastructure. The less developed the region, the easier it seems to achieve higher retention.

Analysis of Reasons:

  1. Device Conditions: In places like Africa, many users have older devices with outdated Android versions that haven’t been updated. These devices often still have push notification permissions enabled, allowing apps to increase retention through push notifications.
  2. Limited User Options: In underdeveloped regions, there are fewer competitive products, making it easier to retain users.
  3. Fewer Competitors: With fewer alternatives, users are less likely to switch to a different app.
  4. Economic Factors: In economically disadvantaged areas, offline activities are less likely to disrupt users’ online behavior, helping improve app retention.

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